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Since 2005, we have announced the production of animated works that depict the phenomena and rituals of the interactive story "Putlestory" (1996).

ウィータ・ラカーマヤ Vita Lakamaya

ベルリン国際映画祭66、香港国際映画祭、Flatpack国際映画祭、Kloosterkino、Bangalore短編国際映画祭、FANTOCHE、Pacific Meridian、札幌国際短編映画祭、

Curtocircui´to国際映画祭、MORBIDO国際映画祭、サンディエゴ・アジアン国際映画祭、Black Movie Festival、Plein la Bobine Festival、

NIPPON CONNECTION、New York Japan CineFest、京都国際インディーズ映画祭、Film Festival della Lessinia 他。12カ国18の映画祭にて上映。

Director : Akihito Izuhara

Original Author : Ikuko Mizokami

Music : MimiCof Song  Title: "Aria, But Secret" taken from "RundSkipper"(PROGRESSIVE FOrM)

Year : 2016

Duration : 7min 40sec

・Bronze skull賞(メキシコ・MORBIDO国際映画祭)

Best Non Dialogue Prize in "Sapporo Short Fest 2016"

Bronze skull Prize in "MORBIDO Film Festival 2016"

Jury Prize in "Kyoto International Indie Film Festival 2017" 


Composer : Yuki Murata

Sound : Takahiro Kido
ADR Mixer : Hirohiko Ebihara

リリタアル Li.Li.Ta.Al

Director : Akihito Izuhara
Original Author : Ikuko Mizokami

Year : 2012
Duration : 7 min 40 sec

Cast  Topy : Kyoko Harada
       Zule : Miki Otohuji
     Jan : Sanaka Watanabe

Each verse, as they get repeated and recited, they fulfill their destiny and later crystallize to become LILITA.AL. It is somewhat similar to how human decompose after death, but it’s more about the spirit -spirit of the syllables- that sublime and skeletonize… 

A verse may forfeit its life, but the spirit returns home with the wind, and wait for destined rebirth.


ベルリン国際映画祭62、アヌシー国際アニメーション映画祭、札幌国際短編映画祭、ショートショートフィルムフェスティバル、FEST ANCA国際アニメーション映画祭、Kinofest、CutOut Fest、Istanbul Animation Festival、Stoptrik International Film Festival、ドーハ・トライベッカ国際映画祭、KIN International Women's Film Festival、

ポートランド North West Film Center、モスクワ Short Film Marathon、Animacam、キプロス国際映画祭、New York Japan CineFest、他。17カ国19の映画祭にて上映。

・最優秀作曲賞(札幌国際映短編画祭) Best Original Score Prize in "Sapporo Short Fest 2012"


赤い森の歌 The Song of Red Forest

Director : Akihito Izuhara
Original Author : Ikuko Mizokami
Sound : Naomi Amano
Composer : Naomi Amano
Year : 2008
Duration : 5 min 30 sec


Nini : Naomi Amano

Nana : Naomi Amano

Deep in the forest of Ponia, Nini and Nana, two fortune tellers, sing a traditional song that has been passed down through the ages. The lyrics are unique and distinctive.



イズミル国際アニメーション映画祭、イスマイリア国際映画祭、モリーゼ国際映画祭、大阪アジアン映画祭2010 他。14カ国20の映画祭にて上映


Best Animation in Sapporo Short Fest 2009.

Best National Short in Sapporo Short Fest 2009.

Best Film Award in Tokyo International Anime Fair 2009.


Brilliant Tree

Director : Akihito Izuhara
Original Author : Ikuko Mizokami
Sound : Naomi Amano
Composer : Naomi Amano
Duration : 1 min 
Year : 2008

・最優秀賞(White サカス映像コンテスト- TBS

    White Sacas Video contest (TBS"Grand Prize" award

hanging of the season and we are drawn into the winter, summer and autumn.


小さなとかげ Topy and Liitle creature

Director : Akihito Izuhara
Original Author : Ikuko Mizokami
Sound : Tetsuro Nishi
Composer : Tetsuro Nishi
Year : 2007
Duration : 3 min 

One day, Topy was find a small lizard in lake. There is a feather in the lizard, strange creatures have emerged from within.


Broadcast · BS Asahi "Blosta.TV"


セルネフ Selnef

Director : Akihito Izuhara
Original Author : Ikuko Mizokami
Sound : Tetsuro Nishi
Composer : Tetsuro Nishi
Year : 2005
Duration : 5 min 

Selnef plays music. The forest is breathed in with music.   "Selnef" is the first work of mangosteen animation.

・「Adobe Creative Suite 5」キャンペーン上映+展示

"Adobe Creative Suite 5" campaign screening + exhibition

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